Posted on May 17, 2016 by Steven Richichi

Let God Arise!

Scripture:  Acts 5:17-25 (ESV)

In times of revival the conflict between light and darkness becomes more intense and visible. It also seems that instead of God being mocked, God takes pleasure in confounding His enemies.  Numbers 10:35 (ESV)

  1. Here God confounds (to throw into disorder, to cast down, to make ashamed, to dismay, to astonish) the High Priest and the Sadducees. God uses an angel to orchestrate a jailbreak! Increased angelic activity is a hallmark of seasons of revival.  An example was in the 1960s to 70s when revival occurred in mainline churches.
  1. If God did it once He can do it again! Peter again is delivered from death by an angel (to the surprise of those who were “praying” for him.)  Acts 12:1-19 (ESV)
  1. Here God confounds Paul’s accusers and delivers him by the Roman army!  Acts 23:6-11 (ESV)
  1. Gen. 11:1-9 When God wanted His enemies to “cease and desist” and wanted to populate the earth He confounded their languages.  The Tower of Babel shows that it is important to have one language in one country.
  1. God confused Jehoshaphat’s enemies so much that they killed one another.  2 Chronicles 20:22-23 (ESV) Five kings came together, but in their confusion ended up killing one another.
  1. Prayer and the confounding of enemies go together! it is called “imprecation.” Psalms 83:13-18 (ESV)

Peter and the others refused the demands that they cease preaching. Submission to authority ends when they usurp the authority of God. The authorities were so angered that they wanted to kill them.  Acts 5:26-33 (ESV)

Gamaliel, one of the foremost rabbis of day, and also Saul’s teacher, gave them good advice, arguing from the sovereignty of God. His argument won the day.  Acts 5:34-40 (ESV)

Acts 5:41-42 (ESV)  The disciples considered it a joy to be persecuted for the Name of Jesus.

There is a current day lesson.  These great acts of God occurred when the enemies of God seemed at their high point and the people of God seemed at their low point.  When we get frustrated enough to say, “No more!,” the enemies of God will try to persecute and when that happens the Spirit of God will move.